Precast/Prestressed Girder Help


Precast/Prestressed Girder works with either U.S. or Metric (SI) units. Following is a list of units and the conversion between both systems.

English Metric Conversion Factor*
ft m 0.3048
in mm 25.4
in2/ft mm2/m 2116.6667
in2 mm2 645.16
in4 mm4×106 0.41623
k kN 4.44822
k-ft kN-m 1.35582
klf kN/m 14.5939
ksi MPa 6.89476
psi kPa 6.89476
pcf kg/m3 16.0185
plf N/m 14.4939
psf Pa 47.8803

* For example, 1 ft = 0.3048 m

Note: Although you can switch between U.S. and metric units at anytime during program execution, some round-off errors may be introduced due to the fact that for converting between both systems of units, the program uses only the number of decimals that are shown on the screen.

Also, the entire calculation engine for the LRFD version of Precast/Prestressed Girder uses metric formulas from the LRFD Specifications (SI Units), and the AASHTO Standard (LFD) version uses the U.S. units formulas.